As a general rule, a Cadre manages the arbitration proceedings as below:

A party or parties refer a dispute to Cadre by logging on to and submitting the case details, uploading documents as required and paying the requisite fees. 

  1. After reviewing the details and submissions, a Cadre Case officer appoints an arbitrator within 5 working days from a panel of Cadre Certified arbitrators.
  2. Once a Cadre Certified Arbitrator has been appointed, the arbitrator issues instructions on how to proceed.
  3. Parties use the technology enabled Cadre platform to submit their claims or counter-claims or evidence or other documents and submissions.
  4. At each stage of the proceedings and at each submission, the technology enabled Cadre platform ensures that all parties and the arbitrator receive appropriate notifications thereby ensuring transparency. 
  5. The Cadre Case Officer also ensures that communications and updates are sent from time to time.
  6. The Cadre Case Officer ensures that the arbitral process is completed within 15 working days from the time an arbitration is invited.